Sunday, March 18, 2012

You are the President of CBS. You have been summoned to Washington to explain your network's behavior in the quiz show affair before a public session of congress, which passes laws regulating the broadcasting industry. Explain how the quiz show scandals effected CBS and how you propose to get out of this mess

The Quiz Show scandals effected CBS negatively, but it seemed for only a short time, since our country was hooked on television.  It was fascinating to see how easy it was for the producers, writers, even the CEO of the broadcasting networks to through out all they were taught from a child, just to increase ratings of their quiz shows.  Many viewers were turned off by the negative affect they felt by being duped by the networks after they thought what they were seeing was actually fact, when it was actually fabricated and untrue.

These scandals stopped many talented individuals, but from the movie we watched, it only slowed these liars down for a short time before they were picked up by other television networks and shows.

I am not sure what do get the network out of hot water.  I personally would have to fully disclose the situation, take the fine and possible incarceration for my wrong-doing.

If I was hired to protect the Network, I would have to take a different spin on the story and explain that it was done for ratings and entertainment, and that giving the answers to the contestants was nothing more than a way to produce a great show that drew in viewers; besides isn't that what TV is all about, entertaining the viewers.  Then the network would pay the fine placed for falsely portraying the show and its contestants, and then move on the the next project.

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