Tuesday, March 13, 2012

In your opinion, what were the three most important developments in communication history?

As we have studied the history of communications, I find myself hard-pressed to limit the three most important developments, as the way I see it, there are actually 4 important developments that have taken place in communication history:

3.  The Newspaper - As we have learned from our class, the newspaper was the first communication medium that changed how the world received their information.  This medium not only brought about change by providing information to the masses, but it also brought the world to the shores of the United States.  Being able to learn of things happening all over the world, and in your own backyard was groundbreaking.  

2.  The Radio - Opening up a whole new world to it's listeners, Radio was the next medium that changed the history of how we communicate.  Still in existence today, many of us get most of our information throughout the day by this medium.  The Radio has also provided us with hours of enjoyment, just by "turning the dial" or "pushing the programmed button" to our favorite stations. Whether we want to listen to music, get the latest news, or hear our favorite talk show host, Radio has changed and will continue to affect our communication.

1.  The Television - With the invention of television, communication was set on it's ear.  Being able to view what was actually happening in war, in politics, even at a local event, the television was the largest significant change for communication to the masses.  Even though at first most families couldn't afford a television, once the competitive drive drove down the price, most families in the US had to have one!  most families today have 2, 3, 4 televisions throughout their households.  This medium gives us up-to-the-minute communications that are available 24/7

4.  The Internet - The latest of the communication geniuses was the development of the Internet.  If you have access to it, it can provide more knowledge that you can ever actually take in.  I rate this medium 4th in line behind the radio, television and newspapers, because not all individuals have access to the  Internet.  Although, this was such an incredible invention which has ultimately changed the world as we now know it, so it had to be included in the most important changes in communication.

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