The telegraph was considered the Victorian Internet because it changed the way that people in the 1800's communicated, just like the Internet changed how people starting in the 1990's did and how we still do. Of course, too, it was called Victorian, because of the era it was invented, which was during the 1800's.
The Telegraph brought with it a new and quicker way to communicate. The Pony Express took up to 10 days for a message to go from East to West throughout the country. With the Telegraph, messages could be sent almost immediately, depending on where it was going and how many exchanges of the message had to be made till it reached it's intended recipient. Even if the message had to sent by courier once the transmission was received at it's destination, it was still a much faster form of communication.
Just as the Internet has brought about immediate exchange of Internet in our lifetime, back in the 1800's, the TELEGRAPH did the same thing.
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