Monday, February 20, 2012

What three technologies introduced in the film could you not live without? Why?

The three technologies introduced in the film Modern Marvels DIGI-TECH that I personally could not live without would have to be the RADIO, the TELEVISION and the DVD.

I have always loved to listen to music, so the radio would be of a necessity for me.  I know that they have come up with MP3 players and other alternative modes to listen to music, but I am from the old school, and I enjoy changing the channels in search of something I want to listen to.

Addiction is the word when it come to TELEVISION.  I know that I am addicted to watching television, because with my hectic work schedule and going to school, if and when I ever get a free moment, all I can think about is sitting down and watching a television program that I like, maybe a re-run of FRIENDS or the latest PROJECT RUNWAY......oh and thank GOD for the creation of DVR, so that when I do get a moment, I can watch AMERICAN IDOL any time I want.

The third thing I could not live without would be my DVD's.  I own hundreds (how pathetic is that to say out loud!)  Movies are my passion and being able to view them on my BLUE RAY Player when they are newly released is like a euphoria for me.  How sad is that.  And being able to watch movies that I have reviewed with my family after the fact, is an incredible high too!

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