Mass communications has been evolving since Gutenberg's printing press and has exploded in the last century, so to say what the future holds is any ones guess. Masses of population in this country receive most of what they deem "factual information" for the mass communication mediums that we come in contact with daily. Whether it be from the news programs we watch on television, or the radio programming we hear in our vehicles or in the office, or the magazines that we read while waiting in our doctors' office, Mass communications is the way we receive most of our information. It is our job to then arbitrarily dissect what is important to us, or what we deem unnecessary knowledge that has been conveyed to us, and react accordingly. With that in mind, one can only fathom with the addition of Internet and websites to the newspapers, magazines, radio, television and social media outlets that we come in contact daily, that the future of mass communications is only going to expand and exceed anyone's estimation of what these mediums can convey to the masses.
Mass Communications have "taken over the world" per se, in how we are bombarded with information all day and night. Mass Communications is an ever moving, ever evolving sector of our society, and it is my thought that the "sky is the limit" in what we can develop and pursue in the future for mass communications.
But what do you see in your crystal ball? What will survive? What will perish? 20/25