Monday, February 13, 2012

What are the agenda setting and gate-keeping functions of media?

Agenda Setting functions of Media pertains to our own thought process of what we choose to view and what we decide to focus our thoughts and attention on. Particular programming peeks our interest and usually centers around the we considered is of significant importance in our loves.  Most of this type of information is received from talk shows, news programming, narratives, etc. 

This type of media, according to agenda setting theorists, predominately Maxwell E Combs and Daniel Shaw, plays a significant role in how we learn about issues and things we deem important in our lives, thus focusing more attention on these matters.  Having access to news programming, dramatic programming and certain subject matter gives us the insight to make informed decisions of what is important to us, and what is not.

The Gate-Keeping function of Media lies in the hands of who ever is producing this information on a daily basis.  The "Gate-Keeper" decides from what news information is out there, what is deemed important or of less importance, and this is how they decide which stories are viewed first, and in succession thereafter.  This function is subjective to the individual in control of producing the program.  The "gate-keeper" has also been in place since the beginning of television.  The Gate-keepers viewpoint, background and culture will also come into play when he or she is deciding the importance of the show they are producing.  Edward R Murrow was a "gate-keeper" because in producing his own show, he decided what stories were to be covered, to what extent they were going to investigate their topic, and inevitably what would or would not be shared with the viewer.

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