ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN brings to light the importance of investigative journalism and doing what is right, regardless of the consequences. I do believe that it is our civic duty to participate in any investigation regarding any any elected official.
The Citizen participation was key in the investigation, and consciously most individuals will come forward to disclose the truth, so that it does now way on their conscience. The importance of this type of disclosure is pertinent to our way of living in this country. Politicians for centuries have felt untouchable, and knowing that you can and will be found out, may stop some individuals from acting inappropriately. Luckily Woodward and Bernstein contacted enough sources to corroborate their stories, thus showing that the information they were providing was accurate and undeniable.
Also, it is important to set the stage for our elected officials to be above reproach and to disclose their election financial resources, regardless of their elected position. All financial information should be available for the public and media to view since the inclusion of the freedom of information act. Elected officials are paid from taxes, which means that the tax payers should have knowledge as to how their taxes are being spent.
It would be wonderful to have investigative reporting of this caliber in today's society.
But do you think that kind of investigation could happen?