As I read Walter Fisher's Narrative paradigm, I found myself becoming angry, but enlighted at the same time. I do not normally feel these types of emotions at the same time, but I was getting a little "on-edge" in portions of his explanation of President Reagan, but I was also becoming informed as to the rational of the liberal side of politics. I guess the question for this post raises another question in my mind, "why do you think we have a two-party system in our country's political system. Fact of the matter is, I believe that we are all rational thinkers and if we are articulate at all, storytellers.
As we focus on our maturing throughout our lives, we all are bombarded with many different ideals and cultures within our own society. We as American's have both a rational thought process that we use daily and a way to express ourselves daily through stories to get our messages across.
We also as American's have deep and profound convictions as to what we feel our nation should and should not be doing. I personally do not think of myself as a Republican or a Democrat, as a Rational thinker or a storyteller. I think of myself as an educated, white, middle class female who has beliefs that originated with both political parties and both states of being. I rationalize daily that what our country needs are more Republican business men in congress, that know that in order to turn our country to turn around, we have to cut our excessive spending. I do not want to take anything away from anyone, and part of me wants to help those in need, who are not able to support themselves. The problem has become that we have entire families who have lived off of our "socialistic" government with the programs that have been put in place for way too many years, without having the notion or means of learning to live any other way. Generations of families have never worked, never paid taxes, never had to contribute to this nations economy. This has lead us down the road to where we are today. To many social programs, not enough funding and not enough instruction of "for an hour of work, you receive an hour of pay"
I believe that we must think rationally when making decisions and stating our convictions, but having the ability to share our ideals and convictions through the sharing of ideas and past experiences, makes the rational thinking shine through in my story telling!
Well that one got your blood going :)