Saturday, March 24, 2012

How did DIsney Change Copyright Laws? Do you Agree?

Michael Eisner, head of Disney at the time of the copyright law changes, was a brilliant business man, who saw the need to protect Disney's vast fortune in copyrighting all of it's movies, soundtracks and productions.  

Eisner persuaded Rep Sonny Bono to pass a bill in congress that would protect the Disney name, and its properties with a copyright law that would last life+20 years in an attempt to keep the Disney name and it's properties untouchable by other companies and to make sure that the Disney name, and Mickey Mouse would never become part of the public domain.  Anyone wanting to use anything Disney without approval would be breaking copyright infringement laws, and thus have to pay steep fines for retribution.

Amazingly, very strong copyright laws were passed as Congress may have been focusing on the extracurricular activities of our then President, Bill Clinton.

These copyright laws are still in effect and have been wreaking havoc on the business world at large.  With the increase in technology over the last twenty years, many companies have acquired patents and copyrighted their inventions/merchandise to keep other companies from manufacturing or being able to use their software.

I agree that their should be a way to protect yourself and your intellectual property.  I think Eisner was a genius in how he protected the Disney Brand and the Disney properties, so that no one can ever touch them.

What is the role of the creative artist in Mass Media?

The role of the Creative Artist in Mass Media is to create, via writing the written word or creating the artistic elements of the message, to suit the audience that the message is intended for.

The "Artists" must take the information they are given and transform it into the next great commercial, radio spot, sit-com, or movie.  They must also use their god-given talents to shape and form our society and our norms.  As discussed in the chapter, these artists provide unlimited knowledge into the information world, via their creativity and modes of expression.  Whether they be writing, painting, filming, or producing, each artist has a special way to create an incredible work to be shared by the masses.  Mass Media in all it's forms could not exist without the Artist, otherwise known as the "Creator".

"The internet's no written in pencil, Mark. It's written in ink, states Erica, seething at the comments he blogged about her. Why is the typed word so powerful> Why is it tempting to misuse this power online? What positive things can social networking sites achieve when used to their full potential?

The typed word is so powerful, because anything that is typed via the Internet or on our computers is, as they say, written in stone.  You cannot remove it from being available out there for someone to see.  Each word that we write on our computers is saved for future reference.

It is tempting to misuse this power via the Internet, because you can say anything you want about someone, send it into cyberspace for millions of individuals to see, and the person sending it wields the power because regardless if the information is true or not, proving it to the contrary may become a daunting task as you try to reach each person who received the false information, and that may be impossible.

From a positive perspective, social-networking opens up a way to communicate with people that otherwise you may have never met, or help you to find someone you haven't had the opportunity to see in a long time.  As easily as you can't put false information out there for the masses, you can also spread positive messages that can effect millions of people in a positive way as well.  I believe that using this medium in a very positive light, is how it will reach its full potential by educating and providing a social medium not seen before.

How did the computer make the transition to everyday technology

The computer actually evolved itself over decades, as we as a socialistic society became technologically advanced in our work, which made things work smoother and more quickly, and provided us loads of information.  As our corporations started using more and more technology, it was a natural evolution for our society to want to be able to have technology available to use in our own homes as well.

As technologists began to create computers the size of rooms, and began to use punch cards to store information, this technology became so intriguing that more technologists had to step forward to make computers smaller, better and less costly than in the 1980's.  As this evolution progressed, the next step would be to be able to devise a computer that each and everyone of us could use and afford.  This is how the computer made the transition form workplace to  us being able to access most of our knowledge from our own computers, in our own homes.

Compare the evolution of mass media in various regions of the world.

As one would assume, mass media and its impact vary around the world.  American mass media is described as being Libertarian, but has been criticized for its view and excess, which has authoritarian and debates of social responsibility with the freedom that our media sources have.

Canada and Europe have closely related forms of mass media.  Western Europe and Canada are now under guaranteed expressionism, which is similar to the First Amendment in our own constitution, providing us with freedom of speech.

Eastern Europe has been evolving over the last century as it tries to define its own balance between having free expression and continued government control.

Middle Eastern and Africa's Mass Medias are strictly controlled by the government.  More mass media is produced in these countries in the highly populated areas.  The Middle East is strictly controlled by its government entity.  And in Africa, with it being so sparsely populated throughout, they rely on radio as their primary mass media source.

Asia, India and Australia find themselves in a mass media explosion, and their countries are ruled by mix of private and government run companies providing their media sources.

Latin American and the Caribbean mass media sources comprise part of the power structure of the country.  The government, corporations and family dynasties throughout the country owning and deciding what mass media is shared with the public.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Why do we need to take intercultural communication into consideration as communicators?

It is vitally important to take intercultural communication into consideration as communicators, as widely explained in the text, to avoid the downfalls of portraying the wrong message if you do not understand your target audience.

Many countries are different than the United States and other countries view our     ways of communicating offensive and not acceptable.  Further understanding the significance of what a culture thinks - how they act - and what is acceptable for their culture is key in producing an informative and educational campaign in a foreign country.  

It is as important to understand the message that you are to convey, as it is to understand your clients and what message you want then to take away from the information you are providing.  Understanding the research that you have done regarding the culture of your target market, will assure that you are an educated communicator that can produce positive results for any client or company.


ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN brings to light the importance of investigative journalism and doing what is right, regardless of the consequences.  I do believe that it is our civic duty to participate in any investigation regarding any any elected official.

The Citizen participation was key in the investigation, and consciously most individuals will come forward to disclose the truth, so that it does now way on their conscience. The importance of this type of disclosure is pertinent to our way of living in this country.  Politicians for centuries have felt untouchable, and knowing that you can and will be found out, may stop some individuals from acting inappropriately.  Luckily Woodward and Bernstein contacted enough sources to corroborate their stories, thus showing that the information they were providing was accurate and undeniable.  

Also, it is important to set the stage for our elected officials to be above reproach and to disclose their election financial resources, regardless of their elected position.  All financial information should be available for the public and media to view since the inclusion of the freedom of information act.  Elected officials are paid from taxes, which means that the tax payers should have knowledge as to how their taxes are being spent.

It would be wonderful to have investigative reporting of this caliber in today's society.

You are the President of CBS. You have been summoned to Washington to explain your network's behavior in the quiz show affair before a public session of congress, which passes laws regulating the broadcasting industry. Explain how the quiz show scandals effected CBS and how you propose to get out of this mess

The Quiz Show scandals effected CBS negatively, but it seemed for only a short time, since our country was hooked on television.  It was fascinating to see how easy it was for the producers, writers, even the CEO of the broadcasting networks to through out all they were taught from a child, just to increase ratings of their quiz shows.  Many viewers were turned off by the negative affect they felt by being duped by the networks after they thought what they were seeing was actually fact, when it was actually fabricated and untrue.

These scandals stopped many talented individuals, but from the movie we watched, it only slowed these liars down for a short time before they were picked up by other television networks and shows.

I am not sure what do get the network out of hot water.  I personally would have to fully disclose the situation, take the fine and possible incarceration for my wrong-doing.

If I was hired to protect the Network, I would have to take a different spin on the story and explain that it was done for ratings and entertainment, and that giving the answers to the contestants was nothing more than a way to produce a great show that drew in viewers; besides isn't that what TV is all about, entertaining the viewers.  Then the network would pay the fine placed for falsely portraying the show and its contestants, and then move on the the next project.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Manufacturing Consent - What is covered by the news and how? Where do the conventions of balance and objectivity come from? How do they function within the news discourse?

I must first share that as hard as I tried to get into Mr. Noam Chomsky's view of news and the media, listening to his views was remotely painful.  He seemed to say the same thing over and over again in an attempt to be saying something different.  Maybe, intellectually we are not on the same wavelength, but I believe I understood the message he conveying.

I think that his viewpoints brought to mind that all mass communication is subjective and that the only balance put in place with the news media, is that of the individuals who are producing the material.

The news format in this nation is speculative, as we as educated individuals must seek out the most accurate of the news that is being told.  Many of us choose one news format over another, mostly I believe, because we agree with the "mostly factual" information they are providing us.  What is actually covered in a 24 hour period within the news mediums in our country, is decided by individuals just as you and I, who think that the story that is unfolding is of significant importance and must be told.  But, from Noam's point of view, there may be other information out there that we may personally feel is of significance, but since the producers don't feel the same way, this information is not communicated. I agree with his foresight regarding this point.  

I also believe that there is a balance put in place between what is aired and what is not.  When a major catastrophe happens, all news media is on it, but when something happens in our own "neck of the woods", not all media is covering the story.  I also believe that objectivity of the stories that are told is subjective to the person providing the information.  Each individual has their own subjective mechanisms in place which have to come into play when deciding what news is to be reported and what is not.

Review three functions of mass communication as discussed in the text. Do you Agree?

As stated in the Essentials of Mass Communication Theory, all mass communications functions play a key role in our society.

The first function, Surveillance, is the theory that all mass communication is used to keep in touch with the world, allowing for inspection into people's lives, and to assure that they are well educated in what is happening around them.  I agree with this function as it pertains to my everyday life.  From watching the morning news and listening to radio in the car on my way to work, having this surveillance function of media is how I personally stay in contact with the world everyday.

Entertainment and Play Function of Media:  It has been theorized that mass communication plays a significant role in the entertainment of our society, and it has.  But our text also brings to light the fact that in conjunction with providing entertainment, mass communication also informs the public, making it of significant importance to everyone as well.  I agree that a significant amount of the mass media that I take in daily is for a self gratifying effect.  I thoroughly enjoy media of all types, but entertainment media is on the forefront of the information I personally seek out.

Cultural Continuity Function of Media:  This function has been described in many different ways for centuries.  The bottom line is that we all know that our lives have been touched in a significant way by "Popular Culture".  As each of us are exposed to what is new, exciting and what "Everyone wants", we too form our own opinions and desires by what is presented to us through mass communications.  Whether the messages are appealing to the lowest or highest common denominator in our society, everyone is touched by mass communication of the form, and it does effect our perception of what is important or significant in our lives, and helps us to  form our collective behaviors.  Once again, I agree with this function, because I know that what I have viewed or been subjected to has helped me personally to form opinions about what I consider to be significant element of my culture and my views.

How well and how fairly do you believe African Americans, Latinos and other ethnic groups are represented in American Media?

Not to expose exactly how old I am, but I can remember the days when very few ethnic groups were represented in the media.  But I believe with the civil rights movement and the evolution of our society, this representation has changed drastically.  From ethnic individuals holding positions throughout the  media companies, to advertisers changing who their target demographics are, ethnicity is alive and well in our current communications.

In the 1970's, situation comedies had introduced shows that focused solely on ethnic families and their struggles - from The Jefferson's and Good times, to eventually the affluent and educated matriarch, Bill Cosby on The Cosby Show, African Americans were represented.  At the same time, African American individuals were becoming key contributors as radio and television personalities.

In the 1980's, more importance was placed in representing the Latino and Asian populations.  Remember Connie Chung and now Lisa Ling.  The African American segment in present media seems to have surpassed the representation of whites and other ethnic groups with what is being shown and distributed today. With the widely known talk show host OPRAH WINFREY appealing to the masses, the African American representation had grown by leaps and bounds.

For the Latino populations, either than their explosion on the music scene, it seems that they are represented, but not in a significant manner.  They are still written into sitcoms and have a few of their faces in media, but their representation has not reached the peak of the African American populations.

I believe in 2012 that all ethnic groups are represented fairly throughout media.

In your opinion, what were the three most important developments in communication history?

As we have studied the history of communications, I find myself hard-pressed to limit the three most important developments, as the way I see it, there are actually 4 important developments that have taken place in communication history:

3.  The Newspaper - As we have learned from our class, the newspaper was the first communication medium that changed how the world received their information.  This medium not only brought about change by providing information to the masses, but it also brought the world to the shores of the United States.  Being able to learn of things happening all over the world, and in your own backyard was groundbreaking.  

2.  The Radio - Opening up a whole new world to it's listeners, Radio was the next medium that changed the history of how we communicate.  Still in existence today, many of us get most of our information throughout the day by this medium.  The Radio has also provided us with hours of enjoyment, just by "turning the dial" or "pushing the programmed button" to our favorite stations. Whether we want to listen to music, get the latest news, or hear our favorite talk show host, Radio has changed and will continue to affect our communication.

1.  The Television - With the invention of television, communication was set on it's ear.  Being able to view what was actually happening in war, in politics, even at a local event, the television was the largest significant change for communication to the masses.  Even though at first most families couldn't afford a television, once the competitive drive drove down the price, most families in the US had to have one!  most families today have 2, 3, 4 televisions throughout their households.  This medium gives us up-to-the-minute communications that are available 24/7

4.  The Internet - The latest of the communication geniuses was the development of the Internet.  If you have access to it, it can provide more knowledge that you can ever actually take in.  I rate this medium 4th in line behind the radio, television and newspapers, because not all individuals have access to the  Internet.  Although, this was such an incredible invention which has ultimately changed the world as we now know it, so it had to be included in the most important changes in communication.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Are we storytellers or rational thinkers

As I read Walter Fisher's Narrative paradigm, I found myself becoming angry, but enlighted at the same time.  I do not normally feel these types of emotions at the same time, but I was getting a little "on-edge" in portions of his explanation of President Reagan, but I was also becoming informed as to the rational of the liberal side of politics.  I guess the question for this post raises another question in my mind, "why do you think we have a two-party system in our country's political system.  Fact of the matter is, I believe that we are all rational thinkers and if we are articulate at all, storytellers.

As we focus on our maturing throughout our lives, we all are bombarded with many different ideals and cultures within our own society.  We as American's have both a rational thought process that we use daily and a way to express ourselves daily through stories to get our messages across.

We also as American's have deep and profound convictions as to what we feel our nation should and should not be doing.  I personally do not think of myself as a Republican or a Democrat, as a Rational thinker or a storyteller.  I think of myself as an educated, white, middle class female who has beliefs that originated with both political parties and both states of being.  I rationalize daily that what our country needs are more Republican business men in congress, that know that in order to turn our country to turn around, we have to cut our excessive spending.  I do not want to take anything away from anyone, and part of me wants to help those in need, who are not able to support themselves.  The problem has become that we have entire families who have lived off of our "socialistic" government with the programs that have been put in place for way too many years, without having the notion or  means of learning to live any other way.  Generations of families have never worked, never paid taxes, never had to contribute to this nations economy.  This has lead us down the road to where we are today.  To many social programs, not enough funding and not enough instruction of "for an hour of work, you receive an hour of pay"
I believe that we must think rationally when making decisions and stating our convictions, but having the ability to share our ideals and convictions through the sharing of ideas and past experiences, makes the rational thinking shine through in my story telling!

hy do Journalists embrace the belief that confidential sources should be protected? Do you agree?

Journalists embrace the belief that confidential sources should be protected because many stories would never surface if journalists did not agree to protect the sources who have given them the information.  Coming forward to tell a story that may be incriminating, may be of value to the individual, but knowing that you will not be revealed as the story unfolds, bring forth an added sense of security for the individual who has the information.  Also, journalists consider this confidentiality agreement as a corner stone of their profession.  Not revealing your sources, especially regarding potentially damaging stories, is necessary to get factual, accurate, and corroborated information.

Like was explained in our Text Media/impact, many individuals over the years have held their sources secret for 30 or more years, as in the case of "Deep Throat" the source for the Watergate scandal.  Also discussed was the Judith Miller story, where Judith went to jail for 4 months, not revealing her source for naming a CIA operative, until her source came forth, and then resigned from hi position with Vice President Cheney.

I agree that no revealing sources, once the story is corroborated by numerous sources, is fair.  Journalists have been telling the world what they have needed and wanted to know for centuries.  Having the ability to share important information with the public at large has made us a more informed society.  And the fact that not being forced to reveal your source, also allows the journalist to keep their integrity as a reporter of the facts.

How did photography and sound impact communication history?

The invention of photography and the ability to record sound and apply it to the images, profoundly impacted communications in this era.  As we learn from our Communication in History text, early photographers started working for newspaper outlets, as more technologically advanced cameras came into fruition.  With the increase in newspapers and magazines, and with the ability to photograph individuals and provide newsworthy information to go with the photos, more and more communications evolved as a result.  

Even Presidents McKinley and Roosevelt began to use the new age of technology.  Where past presidents would only be able to have a stage photo taken, with the invention of "Moving pictures"  action shots could be taken and distributed via the newspapers printing that would show these men in action.

These newspapers then evolved into producing sound footage to put sound with the pictures they were taking to include ones voice in conjunction with the pictures, adding another dimension to the communication process.

NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH - Question? Would you have revealed the source? Why?

The Movie Nothing But the Truth was a very compelling story about a journalist and what she would go through to not reveal her source for an article that would    receive admiration from fellow journalists, but at what cost.

Would I personally reveal my source?  As I was watching the movie, I was drawn to reveal my source, as she was loosing time with her child, and her husband for months on end.  I kept wondering, would it really be worth all the pain and agony being away from my own family to keep my word and not reveal the source for my story.  I kept saying, that I definitely would have folded long before the heroine in the story.  Especially when she found out that the schmuck she was married to was cheating on her.  She still held her ground.  I was amazed at the fact that even being beaten in prison and having her ex-husband take her child from her didn't get her to reveal the source.

I knew that I would not have been able to be as strong as she was, I would have cracked somewhere along the line, but I thought that I might change my mind once we finally found out who her source was.  Knowing that you were protecting another child, may have changed my mind, and I hope that I could have sustained what she went through to save this child from disgrace and agony, knowing that she (the child) sharing what she did, may have been the reason her mother was killed.  

I really cannot say exactly what I would have done.  Knowing the pain my own child was going through, may have outweighed my desire to save the feelings of another child.  I really cannot say that I know exactly what I would have done.

What is the most important trend explored in this chapter?

The most important trend explored in this chapter was the trend of Expositions of Commerce which eventually evolved into department stores. From the mid 1800's, fairs or what was otherwise known as expositions were held to teach, as explained in our text"a lesson of things".  As the early 1900's rolled around, Paris began to hold expositions that featured an menagerie of tools and exhibits of machinery, that were the newest inventions of the modern age.

There were also expositions held to show the wonders of scientific discovery, including the making of electricity, and the beginning of the photograph age.  As the decades continued, these expositions began to evolve into something quite different.  They began to place price tags on items and starting selling things right from the expo.  They also started to use advertising to entice the participants into wanting the products and services that were being displayed.  Then they started adding food and entertainment to these venues.  Pretty soon what was meant to be an educational forum, became a medium to entice all that entered the hall.

Eventually these expos also included information about far off foreign places, enticing individuals to travel abroad.  Eventually these expos became so popular that, Marketers decided to start their own "department stores" which could offer numerous goods and services for a set price, enabling them to encourage buying of their products for a set price.  This eliminated the bartering for what the consumer was going to pay, and in essence, gave the buyer more time to gaze at the merchandise, allowing their senses to be overwhelmed with the feeling that they "must have" the products.

This trend is still alive and well and in place today.  Goods and services are offered in the exact same way, whether you are traveling in Paris or living in the  U.S., goods and services are offered in numerous places to be purchased and consumed.