According to Wikipedia - Social penetration theory was formulated by psychology professors Irwin Altman and Dalmas Taylor as their attempt to describe the dynamics of relational closeness. They proposed that closeness occurs through a gradual process of self-disclosure, and closeness develops if the participants proceed in a gradual and orderly fashion from superficial to intimate levels of exchange as a function of both immediate and forecast outcomes.[1] This psychological theory, as with many others, is applied in the context of interpersonal relationships such as communications. It can also be defined as the process of developing deeper intimacy with another person through mutual self-disclosure and other forms of vulnerability.
With that said, Facebook illustrates this theory everyday, through each "Friends" willingness to disclose personal information about themselves, that in everyday life, they may not disclose. On Facebook, I know that many of my friends have posted their marital status, their favorite movies, music and entertainers. In the past, it would take months to find out all of this about a person, but thanks to Facebook, you can now know all of this and much more with the click of button on your computer.
What is also astounding is that information even my close personal friends share with "the world" on Facebook, are things that in the past we would share only with one another, via phone or at lunch/dinner, and we asked one another not to share these things with anyone. I personally find it very surprising that these same individuals now feel that they have to share these things with everyone on Facebook, because apparently if everyone else is doing it, then I can or must too! This type of self-disclosure was unheard of before MySpace and Facebook came into existence. We were always warned at our jobs to make sure that we didn't put personal information out there unless it was mandatory, for fear of someone stealing your personal information and your identity.
Altman and Taylor's psychological theory is proven constantly on Facebook. And like one of the comedian's on Comedy Central shared last night "I think the Mark Zuckerberg didn't develop Facebook, I think the Federal Government did....think of how many less Agents they need now that the CIA can keep track of everyone through their Facebooks....people share everything, and aren't afraid to put it all out there.....